Welcome to MusicRadar.com!

Welcome to MusicRadar, the premier online site for music makers. We've been live for over a month now, so a big thank you to everyone who's joined, commented and given us tremendous feedback on what they like so far. We're busy ironing out some of the bugs that exist in this Beta version, but while we do that we will also be kicking on with a daily update of news and reviews to add to the heap of musical goodness already here.

MusicRadar is powered by the world's leading magazines for musicians - Total Guitar, Computer Music, Guitarist, Rhythm, Future Music and Guitar Techniques. With the expertise of those magazines, plus MusicRadar's own dedicated team, we're aiming to make MusicRadar.com the ultimate online destination for anyone who makes music. So please, join in!

So, what will you find here?

Reviews and product spec
We've hundreds up already, with thousands more being added in this Beta stage. We'll provide great photos of kit, plus loads of web links that will help you explore gear even further. And when you join MusicRadar.com, you can add your own reviews too...

We'll deliver the latest news on products and artists immediately. Want to know what the latest gear is? Who's making an album? Which artist has posted some music you want to hear? We'll let you know. If you just want product news, you can filter for guitars, tech and drums categories. For all the latest news from the NAMM trade show in California, click here.

MusicRadar can help you play better. We're busy uploading an extensive set of tab, audio and video lessons that will help you make better music, no matter what you play. Again, you can filter for guitars, tech and drums categories. Our tutorial list is growing all the time: look out for some exciting exclusives soon...

If you record on a computer, you always need more sounds. As the site is Beta, there's much more to come from this section. We're rolling out thousands of samples in the coming months, all free to anyone who joins MusicRadar.

People like you!
MusicRadar.com isn't just about what we give you. It's about what you think, and the music you make. When you join MusicRadar, you'll get your own profile page. Via your profile page, you can:

- Find other like-minded friends within the MusicRadar community
- Search for band members
- Post your own music and pictures
- Share your favourite weblinks and more

Find out more about starting to fill in your Profile page and what it will eventually do for you.

And when you join, you can also post your own gear reviews, news comments, and join in MusicRadar's lively forum debates. Every musician has a voice - join MusicRadar.com now, and we'll all hear you.

We hope you're enjoying MusicRadar, and it's great to see so many people already involved. Please keep checking back for updates during this Beta phase. It's your site, so please give us your feedback.


MusicRadar is the number one website for music-makers of all kinds, be they guitarists, drummers, keyboard players, DJs or producers...

  • GEAR: We help musicians find the best gear with top-ranking gear round-ups and high-quality, authoritative reviews by a wide team of highly experienced experts.
  • TIPS: We also provide tuition, from bite-sized tips to advanced work-outs and guidance from recognised musicians and stars.
  • STARS: We talk to musicians and stars about their creative processes, and the nuts and bolts of their gear and technique. We give fans an insight into the craft of music-making that no other music website can.