Learn Ableton Live: music production tips and tutorials

DJing and warping in Ableton Live

Right from the start, Ableton Live’s warping capabilities have been one of its key components, giving you complete control over the pitch and timing of your tracks. This has ensured that it’s become a big favourite with not just producers, but also DJs.

Allow us to explain how warping works, and why DJing in Ableton’s DAW makes a whole lot of sense.

Basic warping in Ableton Live
Taking a few moments to warp a track makes it easy to edit it in a flash. Here's how to do it in the DJs' favourite DAW, Ableton Live.

How to re-edit a warped track in Ableton Live
Once you've warped your track you can re-arrange and tweak it to your heart's content. Here's how to get smooth-sounding edits…

How to prepare a track for DJing in Ableton Live
Warp and prep your tracks ready for DJ mixing.

How to convert an Ableton Live arrangement into a new scene for performance
Live 9's Consolidate Time to New Scene function makes it easy.

How to prepare an Ableton Live track for live performance
Make the transition from studio to stage with our guide.

6 essential Ableton Live performance tips
Get out of the studio and onto the stage with these six nuggets of knowledge.

How to build a one-knob DJ filter Rack in Ableton Live
Use one of Live's most powerful features to take control of your on-stage processing.


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