Love Hultén teases Crum2, a "generative percussive harmonic device" that's the synth wizard's first commercial release

love hulten
(Image credit: Love Hulten)

Swedish designer Love Hultén is known for producing weird and wonderful instruments, often incorporating existing hardware into custom-designed, one-off constructions that regularly blow us away with their unique and highly creative aesthetic.

Hultén surprised us all this week with the announcement that he'll be partnering with Analog Sweden and Albert Nyström on the development of a new instrument that'll be going into mass production; prototypes for the instrument were on display at Superbooth last weekend.

Crum2 is an update to Nyström's Crum Drum, a generative drum synthesizer that makes use of FM synthesis. Hultén hasn't given much away in his Instagram announcement, but information provided on Analog Sweden's website reveals that Crum2 will follow the same thread while significantly expanding the capabilities of its predecessor.

Crum2 offers you four channels that can be used to trigger six internal sound engines that cover both percussive and melodic bases. Equipped with a standard step sequencer, the drum machine is also capable of live recording and probabilistic beat generation. You'll find master reverb, delay and overdrive effects too. The pictures on Hultén's Instagram show the synth alongside a hexagonal drum pad controller.

No word yet on release date or pricing - when we know more, so will you.

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(Image credit: Love Hulten)

love hulten

(Image credit: Love Hulten)
Matt Mullen
Tech Editor

I'm the Tech Editor for MusicRadar, working across everything from artist interviews to product news to tech tutorials. I love electronic music and I'm endlessly fascinated by the tools we use to make it. When I'm not behind my laptop keyboard, you'll find me behind a MIDI keyboard, carefully crafting the beginnings of another project that I'll ultimately abandon to the creative graveyard that is my overstuffed hard drive.

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