Robin Guy chooses Softapads

Robin Guy has given the thumbs up to the Softapads
Robin Guy has given the thumbs up to the Softapads

PRESS RELEASE: In-demand session drummer, Robin Guy has given the thumbs up to the Softapads range of drum dampening and noise reduction products.

"I've been searching for the ideal system for teaching and practising drums for some time now, and until now nothing has been quite right," explains Robin, "whereas when I tried the Softapads I found they had a impressively realistic response, were hard wearing and fit the drum snugly, and most importantly, mute the volume but still are musical in tone - you can really hear all the different drums as you go round the kit."

Robin, who has played around the world for a huge number of diverse acts including Iron Maiden's Bruce Dickinson, Faith No More, Rachel Stamp, GMT, Billy Liar and Eric Faulkner's Bay City Rollers to name but a few, has also been recently appointed Head Of Drums at The Hampshire School in Chelsea, where he recommends Softapads to his students as well as using them during teaching sessions, "...otherwise the cacophony would be insane!"

You can find out more about Robin Guy at

Softapads are distributed in the UK and Eire by John Hornby Skewes & Co LTD

For more information, visit

Information taken from official press release

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