Yamaha announces DTXtreme III pro training

PRESS RELEASE: Yamaha Music have announced the dates of the eagerly awaited DTXtreme III training seminars for owners and prospective owners. The in-depth one day sessions will be held at Yamaha's Milton Keynes headquarters between November 17th and 19th at a cost of £120.

Led by session ace Simon Edgoose, one of the UK's leading exponents of all things DTX, they have been created following requests by users and carefully designed to ensure players are reaching the maximum capability of the instrument. All aspects of the DTXtreme III will be covered, specifically its brand new brain, its sampling capability and Voice editing technology.

Yamaha's product manager Gavin Thomas comments "these in-depth sessions will prove invaluable to DTXtreme III owners and also those people thinking about buying a kit. The creative and technological capability of the instrument is so huge that many people don't really get to the heart of the power of the system. It's a great opportunity for players to get under the skin of the kit and improve their skills and sounds."

Simon Edgoose "I'm very much looking forward to sharing my experience and knowledge of the DTXtreme III through these events. The DTX can be used in a huge variety of situations and my aim is that following the sessions, delegates will have new knowledge and really begin to push their creativity to new levels."

Places are still available at a cost of £120 which includes-

-Voice Editing - giving you the opportunity to edit the internal voices and get to grips with the built in effects processor.

-Sound Stacking- the DTXtreme III can store up to 300 sounds per pad. You can learn how to experience this feature to its full potential and improve your sound and creativity to new extremes.

-Performance Mode- the true potential of the DTXtreme really comes to life in the live and studio performance areas. Learn how to get the best from the machine by experiencing the performance mode.

-Sampling Basics- during the pro-training demo's you will see how to break down the barriers of using your own samples and enhancing your music.

-Controller Assignments - DTXtreme III has a unique Pad Controller which allows allocation of many different effects. During the sessions you will receive expert hints and tips on where and when to use them for maximum effect.

- Computer Based Music Production [Cubase Introduction]. To fully experience the benefits of electronic drums it's essential to explore the capability of computer based music production, the training sessions will give you the opportunity the experience the limitless possibilities of Cubase.

For more information and booking details please visit www.training.yamaha-europe.com or contact Angie Wells on 01908 369293 to book your place.

Information taken from official press release

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