Issue 317 of Computer Music is on sale now

Cover of Computer Music issue 317
(Image credit: Future)

Get dynamic with this February’s issue of Computer Music magazine – and enjoy a stack of free software and samples!

Want to master the dark art of compression and wow your friends and associates with your effortlessly ear-pleasing mixes? We show you how with our in-depth feature on dynamic processing, from the basic concepts, through to historical studio classics and all of the modern techniques (de-essing, noise gates and more) that you need to prepare your music for the next steps in your journey.

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cover of Computer Music magazine

(Image credit: Future)

Free Stuff!

Rather than one free plugin, this month we’ve looked back at 2022’s best free offerings and picked a whopping NINE of them for you to enjoy. And we’ve applied the same approach to our sample pack giveaway, curating a whole 20 of 2020’s best. Don’t say we never give you anything! 

The People!

Our cover interview this month took us to the wilds of Sweden (and the not-so-wilds of LA), where Lykke Li and Björn Yttling spoke to us about new album Eyeye and the joy of their strictly ‘casual’ yet focussed studio setup.

The Workshops!

Over in the Masterclass section, long-term columnist and synth expert Dave Gale gets us to think outside the box as he cooks up a punchy bandpass filter bass, and new Masterclass Tutor Jon Musgrave takes the next steps with his mixing workshop series with a spin delay.

The Gear!

Headlining our internationally esteemed review section, the ARP Odyssey-inspired ​​GForce Oddity 3 gets our verdict. We’ve also rolled up our sleeves to give you early doors opinions on new releases like the Cherry Audio GX80, Cableguys Shaperbox 3, Linda Audio Ironverb, Solid State Logic SSL 4K B, and Synchro Arts RePitch.

So what are you waiting for? Get yourself a copy of Computer Music today…

Computer Music

Computer Music magazine is the world’s best selling publication dedicated solely to making great music with your Mac or PC computer. Each issue it brings its lucky readers the best in cutting-edge tutorials, need-to-know, expert software reviews and even all the tools you actually need to make great music today, courtesy of our legendary CM Plugin Suite.

Get over 70 FREE plugin instruments and effects… image
Get over 70 FREE plugin instruments and effects…
…with the latest issue of Computer Music magazine