The super-cute Prophet-mini looks like a downsized Prophet-5, but will we be able to buy it?

(Image credit: PikoPiko Factory)

If you thought that Behringer had a monopoly on Sequential Circuits synth clones, it might be time to think again. An as-yet-unknown Japanese company called PikoPiko Factory has posted images (not renders) of the so-called Prophet-mini, a cute-looking instrument that appears to be a downsized replica of the classic Prophet-5.

As things stand, the Prophet-mini exists only on Twitter, but it looks like it’s going to be shown at the Tokyo Maker Faire on 3 October. A translation of the Japanese text suggests this is going to be a 4-voice polysynth with 37 mini keys, MIDI, a battery power option and built-in speakers. There’s also talk - crazy talk, perhaps - of a shoulder strap so that you can play it like a keytar.

That’s all we have at the moment; it’s not clear whether this is just a concept product or one that will be going into production, or whether it’s analogue or a digital emulation (though the suggestion that “the circuit of the legendary famous machine is downsized” has us hoping it’s the former).

To reiterate, though, it sure does look cute.


(Image credit: PikoPiko Factory)
Ben Rogerson
Deputy Editor

I’m the Deputy Editor of MusicRadar, having worked on the site since its launch in 2007. I previously spent eight years working on our sister magazine, Computer Music. I’ve been playing the piano, gigging in bands and failing to finish tracks at home for more than 30 years, 24 of which I’ve also spent writing about music and the ever-changing technology used to make it. 

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