Mymusicstore offers a new online platform for buying and selling your used musical instruments

(Image credit: Mymusicstore)

Thanks to the internet, hunting down elusive gear or decluttering your own collection of unused equipment has never been easier. However auction sites and generalised secondhand listing pages can sometimes come with their own set of problems.

Mymusicstore is a brand new site aimed specifically at buying and selling used musical instruments, and the specialist nature of the site means that trawling through listings for household items and car parts that share the name of the gear you’re looking for is a thing of the past. What’s more, the site is free to use.

To help maintain a trustworthy environment, users must first sign up for an account, and the site operates a feedback system to keep everything friendly.

Listings on the site are visible without an account, so even if you haven’t signed up, you can still check if someone is selling the gear you’re looking for.

To check out what’s available, and to sign up and to get started selling, head to Mymusicstore.

Stuart Williams

I'm a freelance member of the MusicRadar team, specialising in drum news, interviews and reviews. I formerly edited Rhythm and Total Guitar here in the UK and have been playing drums for more than 25 years (my arms are very tired). When I'm not working on the site, I can be found on my electronic kit at home, or gigging and depping in function bands and the odd original project.