The video for Caribou's new single is the only cute dog footage you'll need this week

Dogs - who doesn’t love ‘em? Dog owners, of course, are another matter - particularly those who think that hanging a bag of their pet’s waste on a fencepost constitutes ‘clearing up after them’ - but the dogs themselves? They’re broadly fine.

What’s more, they’re undeniably cute, a fact that Caribou has traded on in the video for new single You Can Do It - so much so that you're unlikely to go reaching for the 'paws' button (sorry).

The uplifting track, Dan Snaith’s first new material since the release of his Suddenly album in 2020, is accompanied by footage of a pound's worth of happy hounds. You even get some red hot leaping and frisbee-in-the-mouth action. Woof.

Is it as much fun as looking at cats on synthesizers in space, though? We'll leave that for you to decide.


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