Live Evile: UK thrashers writing new material

Guitarist Ol Drake from up and coming UK thrash metal Evile - who will support Megadeth on their UK tour in February - has issued the following update:

"So we've pretty much started writing material for the second album. As some of you might know, we like take a long time writing our stuff, so we might as well start as early as possible.

"Over the past month or so we've been playing around with some new riffs, thinking about re-working old riffs/parts (not neceserilly demo tracks) and using riffs that have been sat there waiting to pulverize people's families.

"Just last night we were jamming through a new song called 'dhgsaghkghsklgsdlhkgfngn' (this'll probably be re-named when we think of a good title) and we got to a part we weren't sure about. After about 30 minutes of talking crap to each other and trying to figure something out, Matt started playing a riff for a mess-around. My ears instantly... heard it. I love it when that happens. We're stuck and not sure which direction to go, and something just falls into place. After that we spent the next many hours fiddling with that original idea and building on it.

"I'm not going to talk up anything about the tracks we're writing as the tracks should do that for themeselves, but we're loving the ideas and feeling of the tracks so far."