New PreSonus FaderPort drivers compatible with Logic Pro and Logic Express

Perfect fades without seeing a barber
Perfect fades without seeing a barber

The PreSonus already has native drivers for Pro Tools, Sonar, Cubase, Nuendo and Digital Performer. And now the company adds native drivers for Logic Pro and Logic Express versions 7 or later.

The new functionality includes mix/edit/transport window view, write and latch automation as well as improved performance.

The FaderPort is a desktop USB automation and transport controller for computer recording that puts the feel, vibe, and efficiency back into music recording and production. Loaded with a high-quality,100mm touch-sensitive motorized long throw fader, the FaderPort is designed to give the user the feel needed for recording perfect fades and writing automation.

The FaderPort also provides complete transport control to quickly and efficiently work in any digital audio workstation. In addition to the new Logic native driver, the FaderPort has native drivers for Pro Tools, Sonar, Cubase, Nuendo and Digital Performer. The system is compatible in both Windows XP/Vista and Mac Tiger/Leopard operating systems.

The new FaderPort drivers are available now available here. And for more information, visit the official PreSonus website.


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