Positive Grid donating to musicians COVID-19 fund for every Spark amp and BIAS software sold in May

(Image credit: Positive Grid)
More Spark

(Image credit: Future / Olly Curtis)

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Positive Grid's new #PlayPositive campaign will donate to the Sweet Relief COVID-19 Fund for every BIAS software and Spark 40 amp sold in May.

The fund provides immediate assistance for musicians around the world affected by the coronavirus. Money raised will go toward vital medical expenses, lodging, clothing, food and other emergency expenses to help those musicians in need through sickness or loss of work. 


(Image credit: Positive Grid )

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“This pandemic has altered all of our lives in some way, and musicians in particular are struggling to make ends meet due to massive cancellations in the concert and touring industry,” comments Positive Grid’s VP of Marketing, Laura B. Whitmore. “We are proud to take a step to help artists and assist a community that matters so much to us.”

Aric Steinberg of Sweet Relief Musicians Fund adds: “We’re grateful to Positive Grid for supporting the music community during this unprecedented crisis. 100% of the funds raised will help music professionals in desperate need.”

For more, visit positivegrid.com and sweetrelief.org/covid-19-fund.

Rob Laing
Guitars Editor, MusicRadar

I'm the Guitars Editor for MusicRadar, handling news, reviews, features, tuition, advice for the strings side of the site and everything in between. Before MusicRadar I worked on guitar magazines for 15 years, including Editor of Total Guitar in the UK. When I'm not rejigging pedalboards I'm usually thinking about rejigging pedalboards.