PP Drums unveils new Bronze Cymbal Pack

PP Cymbals Bronze set
PP Cymbals Bronze set

PRESS RELEASE: Tired off bashing away at the knackered old cymbals on your kit, experiencing a tonal quality something akin tobattered old dustbin lids? (That's when we had proper zinc alloy dustbins of course, whichactually had separate lids and not the triffid-esqueproliferation of 'wheelie bins' we're so fortunate to have these days).

Time for a change, then?

PP Drums (Performance Percussion) from JHS, has now introduced a neat Bronze Cymbal Pack, as areplacement or upgrade set for your kit. So just imagine the pleasure of hearing these shiny new bronze cymbals sweetly sizzling away in complete harmony with the rest of your kit, brightly responding to your everypercussive nuance...

Priced £99.00 RRP, the PP Drums Bronze Cymbal Pack includes 14" Hi-hats, 16" Crash cymbal and an 18" Ride cymbal. And - you get a handy cymbal bag free with the set!

For more information, visit the JHS official site

Information taken from official press release

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