Sampling with HALion 6 - pt 2: Creative foley sampling

In this six-part video series we are teaming up with audio software giants Steinberg to explore the power and creativity of modern sampling and instrument creation.

Throughout these half a dozen episodes, we’ll use Steinberg’s insanely powerful sampler-and-synth hybrid instrument HALion 6 to walk you through the full spectrum of sampling and sound design techniques: from basic audio sampling, sonic manipulation, cutting-edge synthesis and resynthesis; through to DIY field recording, sound-layering, multisampling and much more.

In the second episode we will be heading outside to capture some everyday sounds, then head back into the studio to process the raw recordings. Using HALion 6 we’ll transform the audio into organic oscillators and creative sampler fodder.

You can download the second episode’s instrument from here, then load it up in HALion 6 or HALion Sonic 3. Don’t worry if you don’t own these, though – simply download the free HALion Sonic SE player instrument from Steinberg’s website and load up our patches.


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