Quick licks: intermediate #12
Rush and Jim Croce-style riffs
Intermediate lick one: Alex Lifeson riff
A Lifeson style riff based on late 70s to early 80s Rush. The add 11 chords are immediately recognisable and the key is to keep the upper melody line prominent. Use a crunchy valve amp tone, some vintage chorus effect, and a confident pick attack to make it all work.
Intermediate lick two: Jim Croce acoustic
The late US guitarist-songwriter Croce's trademark acoustic style used fingerpicked chords and parallel sixth intervals (both seen here). This example can give you a solid foundation in fingerpicking so go slowly, watch all of the given fingerings and work your way up to the 135bpm tempo indicated.
If you break through the top layer of the band's mega hits, you’ll find that a lot more goes into their chord progression than G, C, Em7 and D: Learn these unexpected Oasis guitar chords
“An inspiring opportunity to get inside the mind and skill set of the guitar world’s newest icon”: Matteo Mancuso shares all the secrets behind his breathtaking style in new Jam Track Central masterclass