Quick licks: easy #6
John Lee Hooker and Jack Johnson style
Easy lick one: John Lee Hooker style
Some real boogie blues from the master! It's in E using the E blues scale (E G A Bb B D E) and has a tricky hammer-on/pull-off phrase in the third beat of the first bar so pay special attention. Make it aggressive and confident for an authentic sound!
Easy lick two: Jack Johnson style
Keep the strummin' comin' with this Jack Johnson style chord phrase using a pick or fingers. Observe the strumming pattern indicated, keeping your hands loose and as relaxed as possible and watch the quick chord shifts as they are tricky at first. Have fun and work your way up slowly to the 76bpm indicated.
If you break through the top layer of the band's mega hits, you’ll find that a lot more goes into their chord progression than G, C, Em7 and D: Learn these unexpected Oasis guitar chords
“An inspiring opportunity to get inside the mind and skill set of the guitar world’s newest icon”: Matteo Mancuso shares all the secrets behind his breathtaking style in new Jam Track Central masterclass