Quick licks: advanced #7
Carl Verheyen and Joe Pass-style
Advanced lick one: Carl Verheyen line
This one is reminiscent of LA session ace Carl Verheyen and features the use of consecutive 5ths and some string crossing for intervallic interest. Although the line uses the G minor scale with no 6th (G, A, Bb, C, D, F) and G blues scale (G, Bb, C, Db, D, F, G), it can be successfully used against more interesting harmonies. Use a bit of gain and smooth sustain with a bridge position humbucker for the best result.
Advanced lick two: Joe Pass-style solo jazz
An example based on the augmented 4th (tritone) substitution similar to Joe Pass's approach, this is a III-bIII-II-bII-I progression in Bb with the top solo line based primarily on melodic minor scale sounds. To get an idea of how these lines sound as substitutions, replace the Db9 chord with G7 and the B9 chord with F7. Make it swing with a clean bassy neck pickup sound at the suggested 62bpm tempo.
If you break through the top layer of the band's mega hits, you’ll find that a lot more goes into their chord progression than G, C, Em7 and D: Learn these unexpected Oasis guitar chords
“An inspiring opportunity to get inside the mind and skill set of the guitar world’s newest icon”: Matteo Mancuso shares all the secrets behind his breathtaking style in new Jam Track Central masterclass