NAMM 2016: Numark wants to get your party started with new light-up DJ controller

Not a pretzel in sight
Not a pretzel in sight

NAMM 2016: Numark has made a pre-NAMM DJing announcement by revealing its new Party Mix DJ controller.

Aimed squarely at the aspiring DJ, Numark is perhaps hoping that the 2-channel Party Mix will turn out to be a gateway controller to bigger, more accomplished hardware like the flagship NS7III.

Setting up the controller looks to be pretty simple. The unit is plug-and-play and you can easily sync your iTunes playlists via the Virtual DJ LE software. Numark has also gone to the trouble of adding a built-in light show, which will no doubt get those house parties jumping.

Party Mix features:

  • Party DJ Control System with audio outputs
  • Plug and play
  • Virtual DJ LE software included
  • Built-in light show
  • Effects and multiple pad modes with looping and sampling
  • Sync buttons for easy mixing control
  • 1⁄4-inch headphone jack to preview for cueing

Party Mix will be available from around April 2016, retailing at £69.99. For more information, check out the Numark website.

Simon Arblaster
Video Producer & Reviews Editor

I take care of the reviews on MusicRadar and Future Music magazine, though can sometimes be spotted in front of a camera talking little sense in the presence of real musicians. For the past 30 years, I have been unable to decide on which instrument to master, so haven't bothered. Currently, a lover of all things high-gain in the guitar stakes and never one to resist churning out sub-standard funky breaks, the likes of which you'll never hear.

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