iZotope’s RX 7 lets you enhance individual elements within a stereo audio mix and remove or isolate vocals

iZotope’s RX family of products is designed to deal with audio repair and enhancement, and the company has just released version 7 updates to them.

The two versions that are most suitable for musicians are Standard and Elements, with the Advanced offering being designed for audio post-production professionals.

There are three new features in RX 7 Standard, kicking off with the Repair Assistant. This is described as an “industry-first” intelligent repair tool that can analyse your audio to detect noise, clipping, clicks and more. It then offers three processing suggestions at three different intensities so that you can quickly make fixes.

Music Rebalance, meanwhile, contains an algorithm that was trained with machine learning and can “ingelligently” identify vocals, bass, percussion and other instruments within a stereo audio mix. You can then enhance these elements indvidually, and all without going back to the multitracks.

Finally, Remove/Isolate Vocals is a self-explanatory feature that, again, can be used on a mixed stereo audio file. It promises to remove vocals from a song or isolate them for remix purposes.

Moving on to RX Elements, you get a streamlined version of the Repair Assistant, which offers just a single repair suggestion with a choice of three intensity levels. The Music Rebalance and Remove/Isolate Vocals are absent from this version.

RX 7 Elements and RX 7 Standard are available now for PC and Mac priced at $99 and $299 respectively, though the regular prices are $129 and $399. Upgrade prices are being offered to existing users.

Find out more on the iZotope website.

Ben Rogerson
Deputy Editor

I’m the Deputy Editor of MusicRadar, having worked on the site since its launch in 2007. I previously spent eight years working on our sister magazine, Computer Music. I’ve been playing the piano, gigging in bands and failing to finish tracks at home for more than 30 years, 24 of which I’ve also spent writing about music and the ever-changing technology used to make it.