Brady unveils Spotted Gum drums

PRESS RELEASE: Debuting a new sound for 2009, Australia's Brady Drums introduced the Spotted Gum range of ply shell snare drums and drum kits.

ChrisBrady has developed a different sound than any of the company's "traditional" timbers offer, providing a unique mix of warmth, attack, depth and projection. The new range is handcrafted from extremely thin shells of Spotted Gum, a very dense Eucalypt timber species (Eucalyptus Maculata) with an interlocked grain which can grow up to 70 metres / 230 feet high.

The Spotted Gum range still retains Brady's refined musicality, but comes with unprecedented projection in a wood shell, while carrying a solid, low tone.

All Spotted Gum snare drums, tom toms and bass drums are available only in their natural timber finish and are adorned with a special handcrafted inlaid parquetry Brady badge consisting of31 individual pieces carved from 17 different species of timber.

Brady is an Australian manufacturer of handcrafted drums that uses indigenous woods such as Jarrah, Sheoak, Wandoo and Spotted Gum in block and ply configurations.

The designs, manufacturing philosophy and procedures are the results of Chris Brady's 30 years of experience in turning unique Australian hardwoods into percussive gems. A vision that began in one man's garage has become one of the most desired instruments of players throughout the world, including a client list of more than 400 internationally-known drummers who have purchased one or more Brady drums for their personal collections.

For more information, visit Brady Drums' official site

Information taken from official press release

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