Quick licks: easy #4
A Robert Johnson-style blues ending and classic R&B basics
Easy lick 1: fingerstyle acoustic blues
This is a Robert Johnson-style blues ending. Make sure you use the thumb of your picking hand to strike the low notes and mute them with your palm at the bridge to make them jump out a bit. Pay attention to the feel and swing to make this one 'sing'. The Mississippi Delta will thank you for it!
Easy lick 2: R&B guitar foundations
These staple licks emanate from the R&B, Motown and Gospel guitar tradition. Think Dobie Gray's Drift Away. The trick is to nail the slides and hammer-ons/pull-off s to make it sound authentic. The chords outlined are supplied above and notice the use of 4ths and 6th intervals derived from the major pentatonic scale of the chord of the moment. Use a Fender Twin type clean tone to put it all together.
If you break through the top layer of the band's mega hits, you’ll find that a lot more goes into their chord progression than G, C, Em7 and D: Learn these unexpected Oasis guitar chords
“An inspiring opportunity to get inside the mind and skill set of the guitar world’s newest icon”: Matteo Mancuso shares all the secrets behind his breathtaking style in new Jam Track Central masterclass