Roland System-1 gets new waveforms in version 1.2 update

To coincide with the announcement of System-1 being made available as a plugin, Roland has also announced a version 1.2 update for the System-1 hardware.

The new features include a memory function. This gives you have access to eight banks, allowing you to store a total of 64 patches. The pitch wheel has also been enhanced to allow a greater bend range, and is user-adjustable. But possibly the most notable update is the addition of six new waveforms:

  • Noise Saw: A sawtooth wave with movement similar to an analogue circuit
  • Logic Operation: A waveform that uses a logic circuit to combine multiple waveforms
  • FM: A frequency-modulated waveform
  • FM+Sync: Syncs a frequency-modulated waveform to the OSC pitch to produce a scale
  • Vowel: A waveform similar to human voice
  • Cowbell: A metallic one-shot sound

System-1 and System-1m owners can download the update now on the Roland website.

Simon Arblaster
Video Producer & Reviews Editor

I take care of the reviews on MusicRadar and Future Music magazine, though can sometimes be spotted in front of a camera talking little sense in the presence of real musicians. For the past 30 years, I have been unable to decide on which instrument to master, so haven't bothered. Currently, a lover of all things high-gain in the guitar stakes and never one to resist churning out sub-standard funky breaks, the likes of which you'll never hear.

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