See Steve Lukather's talented guitar tech Jon Gosnell demo his pedalboard – and repair it in the middle of a song

Steve Lukather's 2023 pedalboard
(Image credit: TC Electronic / YouTube)

Full praise to TC Electronic – they're happy to go out and film a pro guitarist's pedalboard and guitar rig on location that features other brand's gear. And they don't get much more pro than Steve Lukather.

Luke's not featured in the video below, but boy does he have a great stand-in with his tech Jon Gosnell – not only the man to talk to about his effects pedal choices, but clearly an excellent player in his own right judging by his demoing here.

TC's Flashback features alongside DigiTech HardWire and signature Gurus Echosex 3º units but the star of the show for us is the company's SCF Gold. Clearly a chorus/flanger/pitch modulator Luke loves as much as we do, even though he's not using it in stereo yet. 

"It works great with high gain and it's a big part of the show now," Gosnell says of the reissue pedal. "[Steve] absolutely adores it."

It's striking how much the SCF Gold has in mono for those of us who don't have stereo rigs – that's most of us, right? 

And if you want evidence of Gosnell's talents as a tech – see him repair Lukather's pedalboard in the middle of a performance of Ill Be Over You in Luxembourg last year in the clip above. Talk about working under stress! Techs really are unsung heroes of rock n' roll. 

Rob Laing
Guitars Editor, MusicRadar

I'm the Guitars Editor for MusicRadar, handling news, reviews, features, tuition, advice for the strings side of the site and everything in between. Before MusicRadar I worked on guitar magazines for 15 years, including Editor of Total Guitar in the UK. When I'm not rejigging pedalboards I'm usually thinking about rejigging pedalboards.