Phoebe Bridgers told Danelectro she was planning to smash her guitar on Saturday Night Live

Decades on from Pete Townshend doing it, smashing an electric guitar onstage still causes quite a kerfuffle for people. Except it's even more divisive now in these times of social media court and jury. Some are thrilled, many are outraged. And when the artist plans it in advance, is it any less impactful? Well, Phoebe Bridgers probably doesn't care about that but she was kind enough to let Danelectro known in advance that she was going to smash one of their guitars on Saturday Night Live last week.

At the climax of an impressive two-song airing from last year's superb Punisher album with a seven-piece band, Bridgers set about trying to destroy her Danelectro 56 as you can see above.

Phoebe Bridgers

(Image credit: Rich Fury/Getty Images for Visible)

It seems Danelectro knew this wouldn't be a simple task as Bridgers revealed in an exchange with Jason Isbell after the performance. And the company was right – the guitar held up well to a beating over a monitor.

Isbell was defending the act against outraged guitar fans who can't fathom why anyone would smash an instrument. But it also begs a question, where can Jason Isbell get $85 Danelectros from and can he send us a link please? 

But we're not sure if Bridgers is joking to fellow musician Kathleen Edwards about the monitor being fake, or if we can process that right now. 

Check out Bridgers' proceeding SNL performance of her song Kyoto below. It's good. 

Rob Laing
Guitars Editor, MusicRadar

I'm the Guitars Editor for MusicRadar, handling news, reviews, features, tuition, advice for the strings side of the site and everything in between. Before MusicRadar I worked on guitar magazines for 15 years, including Editor of Total Guitar in the UK. When I'm not rejigging pedalboards I'm usually thinking about rejigging pedalboards.