Musikmesse 2014: New Fret-King and Vintage guitars roll into town
Three new signature models among guitars being showcased
Fret King Black Label Elise 'JE'
Fret King Black Label Exige 'PL'
Fret King Black Label 'JDD'
The Black Label Exige Standard
Vintage V120
Vintage V130
Vintage VRS130
Vintage VRS150
Vintage V58JDAB
Vintage V80
Vintage V90
“A unique octave bass fuzz with a built-in, 2-voice ring modulator”: The Maestro BB-1 Brassmaster is a super-rare bass octave fuzz from the ‘70s that sounds great on guitar, sells for $2,000+, and Behringer just made a $69 clone of it
“Maintain a consistently optimal neck setup, playability, and string action, regardless of changing environmental conditions”: Has Furch just made acoustic guitar setups a thing of the past with its new CNR System Active neck?
“A unique octave bass fuzz with a built-in, 2-voice ring modulator”: The Maestro BB-1 Brassmaster is a super-rare bass octave fuzz from the ‘70s that sounds great on guitar, sells for $2,000+, and Behringer just made a $69 clone of it
“Maintain a consistently optimal neck setup, playability, and string action, regardless of changing environmental conditions”: Has Furch just made acoustic guitar setups a thing of the past with its new CNR System Active neck?