Audio Damage heaps on the features for new Quanta 2 granular synth

Audio Damage Quanta 2
(Image credit: Audio Damage)

Quanta 2 is here, adding many of the features that were missing from the much-loved, original granular synth favourite.

Most notably Quanta 2 adds a complete second virtual analogue oscillator, effectively doubling the texture options and thickening up the sound. There are also effects options (including chorus, delay and reverb) built-in and upgraded LFOs and envelopes – including much-needed amplitude and scaling knobs – to help you push the sound further.

Most usefully perhaps there’s a new auto pitch detection feature for any added waveforms, meaning anything of your own samples or waves that you want to use in Quanta will be instantly snapped and mapped to the right place for pitch, so spare yourself the fiddly stuff and get to work sooner. 

And most visibly for users familiar with Quanta 1 is a completely redesigned slicker, smarter user interface with the old plug’s modulation matrix replaced with a new right-click ‘mod assign’ popup workflow, similar to that used in Audio Damage's Continua and Phosphor 3. In addition, the controls now helpfully have indicators to show modulation too.

Quanta 2 not only comes with new presets from Red Means Recording and Red Sky Lullaby, in addition to new factory content, but includes all of the original Quanta 1 presets plus all of the additional packs and packages released for the original plug. Plus Audio Damage promise “some nice preset surprises coming soon”…

And the new plug-in is 100% compatible with any of your own patches that you made in the original Quanta. Simply drag your folder of patches into the Quanta 2 user preset folder and they’ll be automatically added.

Quanta 2 is available on the Audio Damage website for $129, where there’s also a limited-time demo available for free.

Quanta 1 owners who purchased it in the Audio Damage Store and use the code QUANTA2UPGRADE at checkout to receive a $70 discount. Alternatively, if you purchased from Plugin Boutique it will send you a coupon to upgrade to Quanta 2 on its site. 

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