Arturia now taking orders for KeyLab MIDI keyboard controllers

Following on from their announcement at 2013's Musikmesse, the Arturia KeyLab MIDI keyboard controllers are now shipping.

There are three controllers available: the relatively lightweight and compact KeyLab 25 (featuring 25 keys), which is aimed at travelling musicians, mobile music producers, and performance-orientated DJs alike, and then its larger siblings - Keylab 49 and Keylab 61.

Of the latter two, Arturia says: "The larger controllers maximise performance and expression further still, thanks to their respective 49- and 61-note full-size keyboards boasting both aftertouch and velocity sensitivity, and are designed to easily integrate into any studio or stage setup.

"The bigger is better maxim again comes into play here as KeyLab 49 and KeyLab 61 feature an even more extensive set of physical controls with an additional 16 backlit pressure-sensitive pads — perfect for beat-making purposes or triggering chords."

All three MIDI controllers come with their own bespoke software: Arturia's Analog Lab features over 5000 classic synth presets.

Pricing-wise, the Arturia KeyLab 25 is retailing at a suggested $299, while KeyLab 49 is pitched at $399 and KeyLab 61 at $499.

For more information, visit Arturia.