The Tiny TS is the credit card- sized synth you'll want in your wallet

Don't leave home without it.
Don't leave home without it.

Making a late entry onto our list of Christmas/Holiday gift recommendations is the Tiny TS, a credit card-sized (100x65mm) fully open-source synthesizer with a 1-octave capacitive touch keyboard.

The synth has Audio/CV/Gate outputs and six synth parameter dials. The keyboard can also turn controller by utilising the CV outputs: 1V/oct and Gate.

Controls for the DCO include Coarse pitch and Double. The CV out follows the keyboard and coarse pitch. The DCF features Filter peak and ENVmod controls, while Attack and Release controls affecting the amplitude take up the ENV section.

There are several purchasing options for the Tiny TS, so whether you want to play right away or get stuck into building one yourself, this tiny synth has got you covered.

  • $20 for the PCB only
  • $30 for PCB and a preprogrammed chip
  • $50 for full kit with all the parts
  • $60 pre-built plug & play

The Tiny TS is available now and more information can be found on the DIY Synthesizer website.

Simon Arblaster
Video Producer & Reviews Editor

I take care of the reviews on MusicRadar and Future Music magazine, though can sometimes be spotted in front of a camera talking little sense in the presence of real musicians. For the past 30 years, I have been unable to decide on which instrument to master, so haven't bothered. Currently, a lover of all things high-gain in the guitar stakes and never one to resist churning out sub-standard funky breaks, the likes of which you'll never hear.

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