Ludwig introduces new Pat Petrillo LP4 Practice Pad

Ludwig LP4 Practice Pad
Ludwig LP4 Practice Pad

Ludwig introduces the Pat Petrillo LP4 drum practice pad designed to strengthen and reinforce hand and wrist motion for all drummers. The LP4 Pad is the first of its kind, with 3 different playing levels and 4 different playing surfaces.

The new Ludwig LP4 fits neatly on top of your snare drum, table top or lap. The LP4 can also be attached directly into the snare stand basket or has a receiver to fit on the top of a cymbal stand.

"Each pad has a unique sound and feel, corresponding to the playing characteristics of different drums and cymbals" says Jim Catalano, Director of Sales and Marketing for Ludwig.

Pat Petrillo has been successfully using the P4 for practice and teaching at the Drummers Collective in New York for a few years, and now everyone has the opportunity to experience the feel and dexterity development that the P4 Pad can offer.

"Each pad surface has a different pitch to it, and it is a lot of fun to play", says Pat Petrillo. As an introductory offer, the LP4 Pad will also be shipped with a free pair of drumsticks.

For more information, visit the official Ludwig Drums site

Information taken from official press release

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