Quick licks: advanced #19
Zappa-style and more bebop
Advanced lick one: Frank Zappa lead
An example of Zappa’s unique lead style over a typical Zappa-esque Phrygian vamp (R b2 b3 4 5 b6 b7). Play it aggressively with a loose rhythmic feel and a smooth hot overdrive for extra sustain. Keep an eye on the slides and go for feel over exact execution.
Advanced lick two: Bebop blazing
This is a series of IIm Vm arpeggios utilising consecutive/sweep picking in the style of bebop master Jimmy Raney. Watch the slurs indicated in some of the arpeggio figures and dial in a clean warm neck pickup tone and practise repeating each arpeggio figure until working towards the 150bpm tempo.
If you break through the top layer of the band's mega hits, you’ll find that a lot more goes into their chord progression than G, C, Em7 and D: Learn these unexpected Oasis guitar chords
“An inspiring opportunity to get inside the mind and skill set of the guitar world’s newest icon”: Matteo Mancuso shares all the secrets behind his breathtaking style in new Jam Track Central masterclass