Moog electric guitar set for launch

Other than the fact that it clearly has lots of knobs, not much has been made public
Other than the fact that it clearly has lots of knobs, not much has been made public

1 April is a funny old date to announce details of a new product. With most web journalists - ourselves included - itching to come up with the best/silliest/most ludicrous April Fool, it´s easy to imagine a genuine product launch getting lost amidst a sea of foolishness and borderline libel.

1 April 2008 saw this video teaser appear on the Moog Music homepage, and speculation was rife in the blogosphere that Moog´s new electric guitar was just another April Fool.

However, days later, the video is still live and Create Digital Music is just one site that has since concluded that the Moog guitar looks like it is indeed a bona fide new product.

Of course, Moog technology integrated into electric stringed instruments is far from a new idea. Back in 1997, Gibson launched the RD series guitar and bass models, some of which featured active technology designed by Bob Moog.

So, it certainly seems to be real, but what can we expect from a Moog-loaded guitar circa 2008? Click on through to the official Moog website, have a listen and let us know what you think…


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