EXCLUSIVE OFFER: 60% off WOMAD summer school

Want to learn from a legend?
Want to learn from a legend?

MusicRadar has teamed up with the International Guitar Foundation and WOMAD for some exclusive discounts on their 2009 summer schools for musicians.

IGF and WOMAD have a great series of workshops this summer, and these special prices are only available for bookings made between 29 June and 3 July. These discounted places are also very limited, so book as quickly as possible to avoid disappointment.

These exclusive limited prices, can save you up to 60%.

The prices indicated are for tuition costs only and all workshops take place at Bath Spa University. Any travel and accommodation costs will be your responsibility.

Booking forms are available via the IGF website. Or contact Emmanuelle Ginn +44 (0) 1225 875 522 or via email booking.

Bass with Stuart Hamm

Dates: 1-7 August
Six days with leading rock bassist Stuart Hamm. The fine art of bass playing explored with one of the all-time-greats.
Limited special offer: £180

Billy Cobham Drum Academy

Dates: 27-31 July
Spend 5 days with jazz legend Billy Cobham (pictured). Billy is a generous and enthusiastic tutor so don't miss this unique opportunity to study with a true jazz giant.
Limited special offer: £150

Guitar Connections with Justin Adams and N'Faly Kouyate

Dates: 27-31 July
World music has evolved into a major part of the UK music scene. Robert Plant Guitarist, Justin Adams is at the forefront of this exciting cultural revolution. Join Justin and N'Faly Kouyate and expand your horizons.
Limited special offer: £150

Go here for details on all the IGF's summer 2009 workshops.


MusicRadar is the number one website for music-makers of all kinds, be they guitarists, drummers, keyboard players, DJs or producers...

  • GEAR: We help musicians find the best gear with top-ranking gear round-ups and high-quality, authoritative reviews by a wide team of highly experienced experts.
  • TIPS: We also provide tuition, from bite-sized tips to advanced work-outs and guidance from recognised musicians and stars.
  • STARS: We talk to musicians and stars about their creative processes, and the nuts and bolts of their gear and technique. We give fans an insight into the craft of music-making that no other music website can.