Gretsch Broadkaster
NAMM 2015: Retro really has been the buzzword for drums at NAMM 2015, and you can see that throughout the Gretsch stand.
As soon as we walked into the room we were greeted with this Broadkaster, an old favourite that was given a fresh lease of life in 2014.
Broadkaster up-close
The kit features 3-ply maple/poplar/maple shells, reverse round over bearing edges and double flanged steel hoops.
Gretsch Renown Walnut
Gretsch was also clearly very proud of this lush Renown Walnut kit. Announced in late 2014, this kit features six-ply North American walnut shells, 30-degree bearing edges and die-cast hoops. It very much has the signature Gretsch look.
Retro style
Stylish snare
More cowbell!
The Gretsch stand also had plenty of percussion, including a huge wall of cowbells. Will Ferrell would be proud.
NAMM 2015 coverage in association withAndertons.
“We’ve got a new drummer, his name is Dave, he’s the best drummer in the world!”: the story of Dave Grohl's drums on Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit
"This is how the record industry started": Why Norway's Indie Recordings chooses old-school collaboration to help guitar bands succeed with their songwriting