Rig tour: The Amity Affliction's Dan Brown shows us his stealth metal Strats

We love Fender Strats, but when we met The Amity Affliction's Dan Brown on their UK tour we were pretty surprised to see a traditional-looking American Professional Series model supplying his high gain tones. As he talks us through his rig, it becomes clear there's more than meets the eye to it.

The Amity Affliction's latest album Everyone Loves You... Once You Leave Them is out now on Pure Noise. 

For more info visit theamityaffliction.net

Rob Laing
Guitars Editor, MusicRadar

I'm the Guitars Editor for MusicRadar, handling news, reviews, features, tuition, advice for the strings side of the site and everything in between. Before MusicRadar I worked on guitar magazines for 15 years, including Editor of Total Guitar in the UK. When I'm not rejigging pedalboards I'm usually thinking about rejigging pedalboards.