MusicRadar Daily: Susan Boyle makes history, Slipknot's guitar rig, movie music

MusicRadar daily

MusicRadar daily

Updated every weekday at 10am, MusicRadar Daily is our regular serving of the most popular features, weirdest gear, coolest blogs, hottest videos and all-round coolest music-making links from around the net, as found by the team and the MusicRadar community. Submit your links here.

MusicRadar Daily - 30 November 2009

Susan Boyle's debut album makes UK chart history

(From BBC via tomporter)

The Observer's Top 50 Albums Of The Decade

(From The Guardian via tomporter)

Slipknot's (unmasked) Mick Thompson talks about his guitar rig

(From Blabbermouth via tomporter)

Record of the Day Awards 2009 - the winners

(From NME via tomporter)

Wes Anderson's 10 best movie music moments

(From Spinner via Digg)

Foltek Garden: 'interesting' musical instruments for sale

(From Wire To The Ear via tomporter)

MusicRadar Daily gives you the chance to post links to the most interesting and popular music-making features, articles and videos you find on the net. We can't promise to feature every submission, but we will be updating this page every day with your suggestions, along with those of the team.

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Previously on MusicRadar Daily: Depeche Mode subpoenaed, happy Synthsgiving, Mac Xmas gifts


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